Monthly Archives: September 2011

Microblogging strategies

Some people might be familiar with the term blogging and wonder what microblogging is.

According to wikipedia, “A microblog differs from a traditional blog in that its content is typically smaller in both actual and aggregate file size. Microblogs allow users to exchange small elements of content such as short sentences, individual images, or video links”.





Some examples of microblogging are Twitter, Facebook,  pownce and Tumblr. Microblogging  is different from the traditional blogging where it shares information with the readers immediately where people broadcasting short message. Sometimes it can als be in the form of images or video links to convey their messages. Two-way messaging is possible and people can give feedback and response.

From my previous blog post, I mentioned about how Singapore Airlines (SIA) have recently adopt the usage of social media. They uses microblogging (Twitter and Facebook) to send our information to their customers regarding their flight offers. Since they are new to microblogging, there are few things that they should keep in mind:

  1. Regular updates should be practice and this will tend to get more followers to read your post
  2. Link all the microblogs together so that people can know other updates and create interest
  3. Experience, Information and Business should be shared together in microblogging
  4. Get user involvement and always reply back to readers post
  5. Keep it real and authentic
  6. Think of what you are willing to share before you microblog because everyone can see it
  7. Add widget if possible, this will instantly show up wherever it is placed and add instant updates.

Microblogging will be a long term trend. The ease to post regularly are why people are attracted to it the most. It is the bred of blogging and acceptance by more people to this concept will make it more likely to be the next best thing to blogging alone.

Wikipedia – Microblogging
Singapore Airline Website

Adoption of social media

There are large number of organisations have not implement the concept of enterprise 2.0 in their strategic plan probably because of the lack of confidence in trying to decide which social media tool to start off with. Social media tools are used by many organisations nowadays and if an organisation is not taking the advantage of using it, they are falling behind with the progress.

I will use Singapore Airline(SIA) as my example here where they only started their social media debut last week and use twitter for the first time. However, there is a Singapore Airline facebook page previously but judging from the page, it was not created by SIA since there was a total silence and no response to visitors post. This gives a bad impression to SIA where people will think that they are not listening and don’t care.

They finally tackled the issue of adoption of social media. If compared to other airlines regionally, SIA is very late in engaging social media. They manage to take over the unofficial Facebook page recently which the creator (an enthusiastic fan) picked up more than 100,000 fans. Now, SIA has some catching up to do where their rival (AirAsia) has more than a million Facebook fans.

The reason for SIA to turn to social media was because of some confusion from people viewing their SIA Official website. Apparantly, the current use of Facebook and twitter helps to boost their image up. This will establish stronger links with its customers.


Singapore Airlines Wiki page
Singapore Airlines suddenly starts tweeting and facebooking

Singapore Airline finally embraces social media
Facebook page – Singaporeair
Twitter – Singaporeair

Is it possible for social media to threaten an organisation?

Nowadays, when people mention social media, the first thing that comes to mind would be Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare it’s a worldwide obsession. Although people think social media gives more benefit impact, the risk is always there. Greater risk may occur and this may give a big impression to their reputation and financial success. It’s a matter of the importance engaging with others through the social media openly with honesty and transparency.

For my example, im going to talk about Nestle ( the largest food and nutrition company in the world ).

In May 2010, Nestle’s product Kit Kat  received negative views  when it uses palm oil from companies that where trashing Indonesian rainforests and  threatens the livelihoods of local people and pushing orangutans towards extinction.

This was the response from Greenpeace.

While this is a risk of social media to Nestle, Greenpeace is leveraging social media to its great advantage. This also involves consumers attacking Nestle’s Facebook page where they have around 230k fans at the company’s page where some are joining just to voice their opposition. This is when social media is a threat and can spell disaster in just a matter of minutes.

This is the screenshot from facebook of what happen when Nestle respond negatively and causes more problems:

Organisations that maintains publicity through social media such as Facebook page should learn from Nestle’s mistake. With corporate policies and proper training, this could have been avoided.

Here are some tips to keep in mind for organisations engaging with social media:

  1. Take positive aspects others and accept negative consequences.
  2. Always monitor your social media outlets
  3. Making social media as part of crisis communications plan.
  4. Put someone responsible and experience in charge.


Greenpeace – Kit Kat campaign

Do organisations need social media policies?
Nestle’s facebook bungle and example for SMEs

Nestle – Facebook page comment